Art, culture and heritage in Castlegar, British Columbia

Sandra Donohue

Robson, BC
Sandra Donohue

Weaving has been my passion since 1974. I've been painting since 1997, beginning with watercolour, and absolutely loving it, never thinking I would want to paint in any other media. Of course, things change when one sees the possibilities that acrylics, pastels, and oil can do. Having different media in my repertoire means greater flexibility, and having fun.

Having fun… I enjoy the solitude of painting on my own, as well as with other artists. While observing me paint, non-artists have commented about how relaxing painting must be. It's actually quite the contrary. Each painting is a challenge, different from the one before and the one waiting to materialize. I never know just how they will turn out, or if they are worth signing. The rewarding part is the journey I travel while exploring the subject.

The subject… My surroundings constantly beckon to me to be immortalized on paper or canvas. We have incredible landscapes here in the Kootenays. I am intrigued by light passing through glass, and the distortions within glass that creates abstract patterns. I'm happy to be able to justify all I've spent on trees, shrubs and flowers for the garden. They love posing for me, and I never tire of painting them.

I enjoy a bit of whimsy now and then, adding a touch of humour to my work. I particularly enjoyed doing the illustrations with naughty mice and a cat who could care less about catching them in the story, The Hundred Dollar Special - the Antics of a Rescue Cat, by M. Kathryn Bourdon.

Which is my favourite painting? Probably the next one waiting to be painted.

I have participated in the Selkirk Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Annual Sale and Exhibit and their summer gift shop at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre, the Kootenay Gallery gift shop, Castlegar Art Walk, exhibits at the VISAC Gallery in Trail, West Kootenay Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artist juried exhibits, Federation of Canadian Artists juried exhibits on Granville Island in Vancouver, Kootenay Festival and the Columbia Basin Culture Tour.

My studio is in my home in Robson. Visitors are welcome by appointment only; please call for more information.